eien ni.


ready, go.

okay.hello there.

today's quote:
"Effective people are not problem-minded; they are opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and solve problems."
-Stephen Covey

which means that we may come across some difficult situation.
but, what we should do?
take it as a problem OR as an opportunity to learn something?
it's kind of ambiguous ne.
whatever it is, be cool. heheeee~


on a side note, hidden curriculum.
does it have any hidden agenda? haha!
there is both positive and negative impacts on socio-cultural diversity in the classroom.
but, it actually more towards negative?
is it different in the europe and asia?
too much info that it makes me dizzy.
SO, is this a problem or opportunity?
LOL. ;))

2 pengkritik bebas:

eiyd said...

ape ni? xpham la ticer. omoo ^0^

shirakawa said...

ak pon xpaham,,
masalah2,, *_*