of course, it's about exam..
the first paper is on wednesday, but why am i still loitering around?
i mean, by browsing through unrelated topic in the Internet.
when i don't open my laptop, i feel sleepy, empty.
when i do open my laptop, i feel bored, lazy.
i read one topic but enjoy rewarding myself triple times of free time than studying.
i try to reflect myself.
tonight, i'll read.
please, keep my head straight or else i'll suffer.
let's bear with it, okay.
easily distracted.
ceritera shirakawa detik 4:31 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
Salam Aidiladha!
akhirnya, aku selamat sampai di rumah.
untuk menyambut hari raya aidiladha..peace! (berapa tahun dah tak sambut dekat rumah, dah lah dekat asrama kafe selalu tak bukak, ish)
ada satu insiden aku nak cerita sebenarnya, heheee..
dulu aku ada cerita tentang tiket bas yang hilang kan, nasib baik driver bas bagi naik..
kali ne aku tertinggal bas, huhuuu..
sebenarnya ne first time aku naik mara liner untuk balik ke shah alam. dulu-dulu turun KL.
rupa-rupanya, aku kena naik bas ke KL dari kangar, lepas tu tukar bas shah alam dekat alor setar.
nampak benar kompleks kan?
bas aku pukul 10.15 pagi dan aku sampai awal okay.
dalam pukul 10, bas maraliner pun sampai.
aku tanya kaunter, kakak tu sebut no plat bas WAX (yang aku dengar..T_T)
aku rileks lah kan, lagipun bas tu ada sign nak ke KL.
lepas bas tu dah jalan, aku tanya kaunter lagi dan kakak tu kata aku dah tertinggal bas.
kakak tu sebut WXX, yes, misunderstanding.
bas ke shah alam akan bertolak pukul 11.30 dari alor setar dan kakak tu suruh aku pergi sana dengan segera.
frustrated, nervous semua ada.
aku call farihah, minta tolong hantarkan ke alor setar.
gila tak boleh fikir dah, memang macam nak suruh farihah datang on the spot.
sampai aku salah kereta weh, nmpak kelisa warna oren dan ada dua orang perempuan yang aku assume farihah dan k.jee.
aku lari kot dari kaunter mara liner ke tepi tempat teksi tu. (sangat anxious!)
nak nangis tapi cover, public area kot.
dalam pukul 11, baru gerak dan macam-macam hal lah kan bila nak cepat.
lori lambat, kereta L, dan banyak ah!
memang aku call kaunter dekat alor setar suruh tunggu 2 kali.
alhamdulillah sampai juga shahab dan berlari-lari anak aku dengan k.jee.
dekat sini, baru aku tahu bas ke shah alam tu dah tinggalkan aku.
tapi driver suruh aku naik je dulu bas ke KL ne, lagipun ada tempat kosong.
ingat tak nak tidur, tapi tersengguk-sengguk gak aku atas bas.
driver tu kata ada 2 orang lagi budak dari butterworth akan join aku naik bas ke shah alam jugak.
diorang pun sama, tertinggal bas macam aku,heh.
sampai hentian bukit gantang, aku pun bertukar bas maraliner yang lain.
rasa cuak jugak sebab macam sikit je orang kan tapi aku cuba put in the trust.
budak dari butterworth tu pun dah ada and dua-dua lelaki.aku buat rileks je kan.
amek seat depan sekali, tengoklah front mirror tu puas-puas.
nasib baik diorang okay.
dalam pukul 6 lebih sampailah aku ke shah alam.
nasib baik ada kawan-kawan yang membantu, kalau tak, tak balik aku.
p/s: sangat best dekat rumah sebab semua orang ada! ;)))
ceritera shirakawa detik 2:08 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
ini cerita lama.
tapi aku nak cerita jugak.
iftar yang dirancang last minute. (29/7/2013)
sebab tu ada 8 orang sahaja.
aku pun kurang ingat tapi kami pergi dengan dua kereta.
nak pilih tempat pun dah pening.
at last, mai kafe menjadi pilihan.heeee~
first time makan dekat sini.
sebab kafe ne ala2 western,
aku, pkah dengan k.eda order butter rice apa tah.so greasy...
jaji punya paling tak boleh bla.
order nasi putih dengan tomyam, tapi pinggannya alahai..macam topi.haha!
marcel pulak order chicken chop. dalam lampu aladin tuuu.
k.laila dan spaghetti..argh, tiba2 rasa nak makan pulak..
k.jee dengan ainul, hmmm..aku tak ingat seh apa nama.
makanan? yup!
well, adalah buka puasa dengan budak kelas walaupun tak full, huuuu~
ok, ak balik rumah esok.yeay!
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:51 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
what is our purpose?
true, we must have a goal.
but based on what criterion do we decide?
thinking back, have we ever achieved something that we truly enjoyed?
i emphasize on thinking positively but nowadays people kept talking about it.
here i go.
everyone have their own passion.
so what if i like doing 'that'.
it doesn't even wrong.
well, criticize it, put your sarcastic remarks everywhere.
i do care about it, just i don't want the attention.humans.
honestly, here is where i can give some outbursts in a very polite manner if possible.
damn, the depressing mood in my blog.
p/s: i enjoyed the choir though. hitch-ride everywhere, heheee.errr, beware of human minions?
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:35 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
practicum 2 tidbits.
attention everyone! |
so princess! |
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up: Pn. Salmiah; downleft: Sir Idrus; downright: Sir Kamaruddin |
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my pupils~ |
ceritera shirakawa detik 6:12 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
practicum 2
this time around, we're going in ramadhan month.
with the fever, flu, cough..it is so challenging.
no matter how hard i try to get an mc, i just didn't get it.
i am really thankful to pkah, who helped me a lot during these times.
tia n k.jee too, for following me to the clinic.
maybe this is a test for me.
lots of work waiting.
wait for me holiday! i want to go home asap!
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:03 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
spinning world.
yeah, spinning world. what the heck am i doing? actually, tomorrow will mark as the third week of the new sem!
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:56 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
minggu pertama.
diam tak diam, dah lebih kurang satu minggu cuti kan.
semangat suruh orang update, tapi diri sendiri malas sangat-sangat.
sebenarnya, minggu ini, aku tak bukak laptop pun.sekarang, yes!
aku berada dalam misi membaca.haha! tak boleh bla ayat.
serius, dah lama gila tak baca buku-buku yang bukan ilmiah bak hang.
ini jelah masanya, so, sabtu lepas aku ada lah pergi pesta buku kat sacc mall, shah alam.
best kot! booth banyak dan tak terlampau sesak macam kat pwtc. yelah, tak tahan beb bau-bau yang ada.
bila baca novel, rasa macam remaja lah pulak.gelak sorang-sorang. aku suggest korang baca lah novel 'Suami aku Ustaz'. serius lawak dan adalah ilmiah sikit. ;)
hmm, yang lain, biasalah buat kerja-kerja rumah yang patut selain memasak.heeee~
aku memang tak boleh nak memasak kalau mak aku ada kat rumah.
bukan apa, nanti trial and error terus error jep. habis aku kena complain bila berasap je dapur tu kang.
tak tahan nak dengar bebelan. hahaa.
tapi nak kata sibuk tu, tak sangatlah.best sangat, kipas pun laju.tetiba sangat kan pasal kipas pulak.
mak aku sekarang sangat caring ngan bunga-bunga kat belakang rumah tu.
tapi cantik gak aku tengok, takdelah bosan nak melayan adik-adik aku yang nakal.
walaupun dua orang tu je kat rumah, rasa macam ada sepuluh orang. bising tak hengat.
sebenarnya, aku teringin gak nak belajar menjahit, tapi stress betul bila nak buat.
memang memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi.
kalau kain tu lembut, lagi geram. tapi best pakai lah.
nak guna mesin jahit lagi berdebar.macam nak drive kereta rasa.
ceh, alasan itu semua.
ok lah, nak sambung baca novel. pasal crime, besssstttttttt~
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:12 PM 5 pengkritik bebas
hai and hi!
lama rasanya tak menulis kat sini, tapi selalu je refresh dashboard. ;)
pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi dalam musim exam kali ini; pergh, memang tak boleh bla.
-kepanasan suhu bilik yang melampau menyebabkan aku ditemani peluh setiap hari. memang rare study sambil mengeluarkan peluh.
-setiap hari jadi inspector gadget nak keluar bilik. usha kiri kanan ada technician tak. memang menajamkan skill.
-kebisingan makhluk-makhluk asing memecah keheningan malam. acece, cuba respek sikit orang lain.
-simptom yang selalu dihadapi, malas. last minute, berterabur baca itu ini.
jangan nak kata aku asyik makan biskut je eh, aku rajin je beli makanan setiap hari. hahaha!
selera makan tinggi time exam, mana taknya, ada je makanan dalam mulut time nak study.
pastu distracted, pastu check fb jap, pastu leka.
kegilaan apa yang budak-budak ini cuba lakukan, menyanyi dan menari di saat ini.
mentang-mentang tinggal 1 paper je.
sebenarnya, aku tak sabar sangat-sangat nak balik weh.walaupun aku akan mendengar salakan anjing setiap pagi, aku tak perlu berfikir masalah akademik.free mind and soul gitu.
fine, aku pun nak melepak jap sebelum sambung kerja-kerja yang tertangguh. dah 2 hari tengok movie saja, fokus!
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mari memasak! |
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:20 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
it's over,
for now.
after one month struggling with lots of things in school, finally i'm freeeee!
happy much? to be honest, it's a pain to complete the portfolio and making the lesson plan too!
i know i have to do it later on, but this is my first teaching experience with real school, real pupils, reality!
i'm glad that the pupils in my class is just around 16 pupils. ;)) but it's hard to deal with as well.
i can't imagine going to school with pupils over than 20 pupils.T_T
i learnt lots of things.and there is a lot to improved on. i guess i have to be prepared for the next sem.
so much things that happened, be sweet, sour, bitter.the observation part really makes me nervous.
well, i don't really expect to get a 'so-well-done' comment.heheee~
so, next sem will be language arts.time for kssr and it will be the first time to teach kssr.omg!
let's hold on and think about the presents. exam is waiting,agegeeee..
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5J, sayonara~ |
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:01 AM 2 pengkritik bebas
exhausted and tired.
what a perfect description.
plus assignment, what more can we say?
will update after two weeks, maybe.
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*gambar hiasan,heheee* |
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:34 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
know what, it's been a week already.
and i'm enjoying it well.
i don't even think about ipg matters.
but now, i'm thinking a bit.heheeee~
i don't get it.why people love to make things complicated?
i admit i've seen the post. it says that we have to do the portfolio for practicum in English.
what the?
you know what, it's weird.or am i weird?lol..
i'll wait till i'm there, in ipg of course.
asking the others. ;))
a good friend never leaves their friend in a difficult matter.
i know that and i know her.
but i always pretend not to see and not to care.
today, indeed, hmmm.
so selfish and i don't know what to say.
it's a reality that i want to escape.
no worries, i don't really care.
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:47 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
worst journey ever.
okay, it's been 4 days already i'm home.
but, who cares? haha,,i still want to write about it.
i'm one of the common user of public transport.especially bus.
here's the point,
1. my ticket gone missing right at the nose. i have to beg the driver to let me in and listen to the 'nagging'.
2. the driver waited for one hour for one passenger to rode the bus in alor setar. such a spoiler. :(
3. too many pitstops. and they did not even explain for what. 1st stop, i just waited in the bus. 2nd stop, i just went to the toilet. 3rd stop, i did my prayers.
4. lots of the passengers wanted to stop here and there. it makes me feel like, 'ne bas express ke bas catar?'
5. the driver smoked. what the? no concern at all and i'm suffering..
6. it took me 10 hours to arrive. the same with the people going to east side.
lastly, i'm grateful that i am still safe and sound. after all, they're human being too. well, different people, different circumstances, different styles and different feelings.
ceritera shirakawa detik 4:56 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
you're the best,
lee soon shin!!
what an intro, huh.
even though it is a 50+ episodes drama, it's really good.
kinda feels like ojakgyo drama last year!
with the family theme and iu is so cute.
some pictures..
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jo jungseok |
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IU ;) |
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he's okay.. |
back to the life,
around 2 weeks more for praktikum,omo..
pkah and me decided to not visit the school and just get the timetable later.
well, enjoy first! ;))
but the letter is with the guys, so we have to go together right?
it will be awkward.absolutely.
there's still unsettled things before holidays though.haish.
till then~
ceritera shirakawa detik 6:47 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
hello, awkward.
tahukah anda,
bila anda berada dalam satu kumpulan,
anda tiada topik untuk dibicarakan,
tahukah anda,
bila anda bersembang bagai nak rak,
tapi tiada respons,
tahukah anda,
bila anda diajak untuk melakukan aktiviti,
tapi anda ada urusan lain and just brushes it off,
tahukah anda,
bila anda hendak mengajak seseorang,
anda rasa segan, gusar, tak tahu nak cakap apa,
tahukah anda,
bila anda masih tidak menyiapkan assignment,
tapi rasa gelisah, tapi nak enjoy,
ini bukan awkward.
p/s: saja-saja.
ceritera shirakawa detik 4:45 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
it's march.
believe it or not, it's march.
various things have been done and must be done.
is it done yet?
or you're done for.
KOT this year finished in grace.
with the changing weather, hot, cloudy and rain.
our class was in charge of 'keselamatan dan kecemasan'.
i really pray hard so that every athlete will not be injured in the first day.
with no knowledge about what to do when they are cramp and what's not.
i learnt tidbits of it at that time.
such a huge responsibilities when the time comes.
our BIG on 26th of February also finished in grace.kind of.
lots of talks and i have to focus all the time.
i sat in front huh.
it's boring.
'Bored of being bored because being bored is boring.' heheeeee~
to sum up:
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woohooo.. |
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:23 PM 5 pengkritik bebas
sweet song.
the end of FBND..
just wanna share a song.
it's so sweet...
p/s: sweet but funny couple!
ceritera shirakawa detik 7:49 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
apakah = what the?
here i am, writing again.
due to the fact that both of the switch in my room are madly insane.
it's hard to find a new shelter to watch movies, etc. heheeee~
well, i'm not just going to lay down on my bed only this weekend.
so suffocating. what the?
this week, particularly, we have to deal with sulky lecturers.
oh my, i don't really know what to do.
and so it will affect our marks, maybe. what the?
latest news, the result for sukantara is out.
and my house is in the last place.
will there be a miracle? heh..
so frustrating. what the?
in conclusion, what the?
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:23 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
as busy as a bee.
fret not, the title carries lots of meaning.
i'm busy doing last minute works, like all the times.
then, busy watching unnecessary shows not really related to 'academic'.heheee~
what am i doing this month?
it's the end of the February all of a sudden.
i moved recently and lots of things need to be unpacked, some have to be thrown away; given away; keep away.
not to mention the missing and misplaced things.heh, i give up.
i hope it will be a bit clear the next time i'm going home.well, it's in march.
my writing kinda dull heh, assignments waiting. BUT, i'm just...
i'm calm. ;p |
next things on list, KOAM thingy and BIG.
practicum, just wait.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:49 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
so, smile.
i came across a song that is really soothing just now.
i want to know the lyric and pop! there's an English version for it.
it's into the skies by kris leone.
here's part of it:
Raise your eyes and see the skies
And feel the shining light
Just no worries,
Close your eyes
And draw a picture in your mind
A world of love and beauty
Just don't worry,
Make a smile.
Throw away your pain and tears
And sail upon your faith
Just no faking,
Be yourself
And draw your greatest mind of beauty
That day will sometime come
Just don't cry,
Make a smile.
good news, we got the allowance today. no more rumours, heheeee~
so, smile. ;)))))
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:29 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
ready, go.
okay.hello there.
today's quote:
"Effective people are not problem-minded; they are opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and solve problems."
-Stephen Covey
which means that we may come across some difficult situation.
but, what we should do?
take it as a problem OR as an opportunity to learn something?
it's kind of ambiguous ne.
whatever it is, be cool. heheeee~
on a side note, hidden curriculum.
does it have any hidden agenda? haha!
there is both positive and negative impacts on socio-cultural diversity in the classroom.
but, it actually more towards negative?
is it different in the europe and asia?
too much info that it makes me dizzy.
SO, is this a problem or opportunity?
LOL. ;))
ceritera shirakawa detik 2:39 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
Salam Jumaat..
guess there's nothing much to do this weekend.
watching movies, reading recaps, listening to the musics.
as usual, actually, there's hidden work that we usually tend to forget.
i don't want to list it out, let alone in my mind.heheee~
gosh, i haven't listen to the radio for quite some time.
and it's weird.what? gangnam flashmob in malaysia, etc..?
but it reminisces me to the time that i used to wait for the charts every weekend.
it's different for each station. ;)
what happened to my exercise? dush, it's not even halfway.
well, i'm lenient to myself.
next week, the practice for KOT will start.
yes, i'm in yellow house this year.
finally, the other colour come out.
i've been in purple house for 3 years already.
i will try to escape running as usual.
it's not even sukantara where we can get some point, right?
okay, gtg.
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:34 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
Something, forever.
You're kind like an angel,
Your guidance comforts me,
And I appreciate what you've done.
You're unpredictable like a weather,
Your mood scares me,
But I appreciate what you've done.
Your joy is my funfair,
Time spends with you should never end,
Because you're my something.
Your sadness is my tornado,
It destroys our moments together,
But you're my something.
Something, forever.
myeraa : 12/10/10
p/s : i found this self-written poem in one of my notebook. looking back through it remind me how time flies by....
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:53 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
hey, hey, hey.
new background for this time, yeay!
life is pretty much the same except for some of the things here and there.
this year, i have to start saving some money to buy the new laptop.it's been 4 years already and the sound coming from it annoys me. sometimes, it just shut down by itself..
last night, i went to the manifesto night.hohoho, i'm not going at first but somehow i'm there. ;)
it was okay though.with the loud cheers from groups of people.
they were so enthusiastic~
as much as i hate jogging, i have to.huhuu, i'm a beginner.
that's one of the way to escape from spending time too much in front of the laptop.
ah, can't wait to go back home for chinese new year holiday.
playing games all day.eating whatever.durian ice-cream,hmmm.
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so cute. >_< |
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:13 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/456238
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:26 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
it's 2013!
first and foremost, congratulations to both siken and muni as the new kk and pkk for this sem.
it's not too late, right?
heeee, now i can relax my mind. but with the tight timetable, i have to manage my time wisely.
like i'll do it.haha!
how i met your mother is freaking funny and of course, lots of dirty jokes there.
but hey, it's laughable.
lots of things to do but what to do.
having the anime without watching it make me restless..
so, i'm in the middle of watching it. ;)
how come no one want to play badminton today? T_T
but chit-chatting and gossiping are fun too!while eating rose apple.
just one because it was sour.
it's been quite some time.
jogging? i hate it nowadays, too lazy.lol~
till then, jaaa~
ceritera shirakawa detik 7:52 PM 0 pengkritik bebas