eien ni.


speak now

31 OCTOBER 2010

yeah.since tomorrow the exam will start, i just start reading online newspaper.haha.to think that i don't know lots of current issues nowadays.

if not,our lecturer always tell us so.i know a little bit from facebook.useful,huh? they are been discussing about kelantan vs negeri sembilan.huh.national sport.football.

i found this from thestaronline.i just extracted things that i want to highlight here.

i totally agree! there are no definite answer,literally.understanding is most important after all.

"Language is about understanding the message correctly, as well as giving the correct answer or reply.
I think in this PMR examination text, no student would have had any problem understanding the content correctly.
As long as a person can make himself clearly understood by his listeners or readers, that person is said to know the language sufficiently well.
A superior competence allows the speaker or writer to not only make himself understood, but also to excite the desired response from the audience or the person he is speaking or writing to.
Language teachers, and other observers, who are too fussy in pointing out mistakes, demotivate students just the same as teachers or observes who are too lenient and overlook all mistakes.
Mr Lim must be praised for his concern that English should be written correctly, but he would do well to consult different sources before drawing up a rule.
There are certainly more grammar rules in a language than what is found in just one grammar book."

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