pergh, semangat.akhirnya, takde lah sunyi sangat hari ne.
alhamdulillah, merasa gak makan rendang daging sempena raya haji ne.
trimas kepada jiran yang memahami,haha!
baru ingat nak struggle makan roti.
semalam memang segan nak pergi pon, takkan nak datang makan je kot, huhu.
petang tadi serius satu kejadian telah berlaku.
aksi dikejar kucing sampai tingkat atas.sangat horror.
yelah, lari turun tangga laju2 pon, kucing terus lompat.
memang sangat determined kucing tersebut.
ak pon takde makanan nak kasik, sorry to say. ;)))))
habis exam nanti nak enjoy abes2~
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:55 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
Salam Aidiladha; 10 Zulhijjah 1433H.
p/s : l.a.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:06 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
banyak pulak masa nak update bagai kan.
nak keluar bilik pun rasa rimas, kucing duk ikut ke mana2.
mentang2 tinggal aku sorang kat belah sini,ish.
rutin harian pun, tengahari bangun makan.
study pun takde mood, maklumlah esok kan raya.
tapi kan, bila enjoy, mesti teringat kata2 sir zul.
memang menakutkan.kira exam macam life and death situation.
tapi kalau tengok keadaan sekarang, memang otai.haha.
tak sabar nak balik rumah, maklumlah tiket cuti sem dah ada kat tangan.
tak beringat langsung.2 minggu je lagi weh.hari2 pangkah kalendar tuh.
takut confuse hari ne hari apa sebenarnya, hehe.
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study... |
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:10 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
best quotes.
"Whatever advice you give, be brief." -Horace
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." -Mary Pickford
p/s : i love monday.
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:39 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
i am feeling guilty.
why? you gave us the choices, and that is why they choose not to come.
i'm terribly sorry to make you sad.
i know she will not read this, but my mind is not at ease right now.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:21 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
another week passed by doing nothing. okay, not really. ;)
lots of dramas to catch on.aha.
today, i found out that my aunt is hospitalized in H. SP. lots of my relatives came to visit too since yesterday.
and my mom said that they know that i'll ask them to come here. so, they called today because they were going back. already?? well, i must be considerate. my relatives got work too and they have to go back. T_T
why am i typing right now? i'm supposed to finish up the reflection but the idea is so messed up. i'm on a mess without focus.
it's really funny since i asked everyone to hand in the reflection tomorrow but me, myself..
it's okay. about 8 hours more till morning. heheeee~
i'm not in the mood to go to the class already. O_O
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:59 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
asal bosan nk tulis, asal tulis bosan.memang bosan.
memang kalau nk dekat exam, org makin selfish eh?ehhhhhhhhh?
me in a deep thought..............
me: i realized that i only like to write about the sad things that happened.
inside me: why?is your life so miserable to that extend?no happy stories?
me: i guess the happiness should be shared together too, right? but, when i'm happy, i can't describe it well.
inside me: how come you can express the sadness well then?
me: hmmm....i don't know..
inside me: does that mean you have two personalities?
me: i don't know too..
inside me: you have to know yourself first.
me: how am i going to know?human sees things differently.
inside me: see, you're a don't want to know about it actually.
me: no, it's not. i'm just confused.
inside me: let's reflect together..
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:45 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
berbekalkan 'semangat' yang jitu membuat blog-asal-ada untuk EDU, rasa nak test skil.
aku buat ikut suka jep,haha!
Hati dan perasaan,
Bagai irama dan lagu,
Yang tidak dapat dipisahkan,
Seringkali bertemu.
Bila masing-masing stress,
Aku pun pening,
Jom main chess,
Lagi happening!
Jaga hubungan dengan Tuhan,
Juga dengan manusia,
Apa yang kita rasakan,
Boleh jadi memoir seorang remaja?
Dengar sini,
Dengar sana,
Katakan ini,
Hanya sementara.
Seronok berpantun,
Apa pun jadi,
Sentiasalah bersopan-santun,
Di mana kaki berdiri...
ciptaan: cikmai.
idea asal: berterbangan menerjah minda. *poyo jep
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:04 PM 0 pengkritik bebas