i can't believe that we're coming towards the end of December so fast!
going to MAHA was fun! it's fruit season like durian, rambutan, etc.
we bought some fruit trees to be planted. ;)
away for two weeks in 'kampung' without the internet is a big deal at first.
i don't know what to do.and gradually i've come to love it.
it is really peaceful and everyday is filled with various activities.
playing together with the cousin with the age range of 4-12 are fun!
and the babies too!
people just don't believe that i'm already 21.i thought i kinda look matured.
well, whatever.
my 18 years old cousin got married and my family and i tagged along too to the johor.
it's clothes heaven in tangkak.5 for rm100 and yeah, shopping!
what makes me surprised is that i never thought that the result will be out so soon.
when i called sri to ask about the bus ticket, she told me it's out last week.
lol, and the 'penempatan praktikum' too.
omg, pn sabariah as the mentor.
okay, we still have time.just be cool, dude.heheeee~
go read some storybooks and have fun.
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:26 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
salam maal hijrah....
#pray for gaza
betullah orang kata, sakit tu datangnya macam ribut,
tapi sembuhnya makan masa.
cuti ne perlu digunakan sebaiknya.
jagalah kesihatan anda.
salam.. ;)
ceritera shirakawa detik 4:37 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
2 more paper left but feels like enjoying.haha.
seems forced?
countdown to the shortage of water at 6.
fortunately, it's not only in ipg.well, it's always happen here.
they don't care to tell us the reason and it makes us cursed.booo.
i don't care. ;p |
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:02 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
pergh, semangat.akhirnya, takde lah sunyi sangat hari ne.
alhamdulillah, merasa gak makan rendang daging sempena raya haji ne.
trimas kepada jiran yang memahami,haha!
baru ingat nak struggle makan roti.
semalam memang segan nak pergi pon, takkan nak datang makan je kot, huhu.
petang tadi serius satu kejadian telah berlaku.
aksi dikejar kucing sampai tingkat atas.sangat horror.
yelah, lari turun tangga laju2 pon, kucing terus lompat.
memang sangat determined kucing tersebut.
ak pon takde makanan nak kasik, sorry to say. ;)))))
habis exam nanti nak enjoy abes2~
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:55 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
Salam Aidiladha; 10 Zulhijjah 1433H.
p/s : l.a.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:06 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
banyak pulak masa nak update bagai kan.
nak keluar bilik pun rasa rimas, kucing duk ikut ke mana2.
mentang2 tinggal aku sorang kat belah sini,ish.
rutin harian pun, tengahari bangun makan.
study pun takde mood, maklumlah esok kan raya.
tapi kan, bila enjoy, mesti teringat kata2 sir zul.
memang menakutkan.kira exam macam life and death situation.
tapi kalau tengok keadaan sekarang, memang otai.haha.
tak sabar nak balik rumah, maklumlah tiket cuti sem dah ada kat tangan.
tak beringat langsung.2 minggu je lagi weh.hari2 pangkah kalendar tuh.
takut confuse hari ne hari apa sebenarnya, hehe.
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study... |
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:10 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
best quotes.
"Whatever advice you give, be brief." -Horace
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." -Mary Pickford
p/s : i love monday.
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:39 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
i am feeling guilty.
why? you gave us the choices, and that is why they choose not to come.
i'm terribly sorry to make you sad.
i know she will not read this, but my mind is not at ease right now.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:21 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
another week passed by doing nothing. okay, not really. ;)
lots of dramas to catch on.aha.
today, i found out that my aunt is hospitalized in H. SP. lots of my relatives came to visit too since yesterday.
and my mom said that they know that i'll ask them to come here. so, they called today because they were going back. already?? well, i must be considerate. my relatives got work too and they have to go back. T_T
why am i typing right now? i'm supposed to finish up the reflection but the idea is so messed up. i'm on a mess without focus.
it's really funny since i asked everyone to hand in the reflection tomorrow but me, myself..
it's okay. about 8 hours more till morning. heheeee~
i'm not in the mood to go to the class already. O_O
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:59 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
asal bosan nk tulis, asal tulis bosan.memang bosan.
memang kalau nk dekat exam, org makin selfish eh?ehhhhhhhhh?
me in a deep thought..............
me: i realized that i only like to write about the sad things that happened.
inside me: why?is your life so miserable to that extend?no happy stories?
me: i guess the happiness should be shared together too, right? but, when i'm happy, i can't describe it well.
inside me: how come you can express the sadness well then?
me: hmmm....i don't know..
inside me: does that mean you have two personalities?
me: i don't know too..
inside me: you have to know yourself first.
me: how am i going to know?human sees things differently.
inside me: see, you're a coward.you don't want to know about it actually.
me: no, it's not. i'm just confused.
inside me: let's reflect together..
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:45 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
berbekalkan 'semangat' yang jitu membuat blog-asal-ada untuk EDU, rasa nak test skil.
aku buat ikut suka jep,haha!
Hati dan perasaan,
Bagai irama dan lagu,
Yang tidak dapat dipisahkan,
Seringkali bertemu.
Bila masing-masing stress,
Aku pun pening,
Jom main chess,
Lagi happening!
Jaga hubungan dengan Tuhan,
Juga dengan manusia,
Apa yang kita rasakan,
Boleh jadi memoir seorang remaja?
Dengar sini,
Dengar sana,
Katakan ini,
Hanya sementara.
Seronok berpantun,
Apa pun jadi,
Sentiasalah bersopan-santun,
Di mana kaki berdiri...
ciptaan: cikmai.
idea asal: berterbangan menerjah minda. *poyo jep
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:04 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
what a first word...
it's really been long, huh?
i'm stressed out, feeling used, etc. so much that i can't bear to say it.
i may look okay but who knows? everyone have their own sensitive parts.
but, must you keep ignoring others? can that solve a problem?
try to be responsible.i know that i'm not that good to live up to the expectations.
just don't make the others suffered because of you.
i've been trying so hard these days, listening to the others.i don't want to be such an autocratic person because i want everyone to give their opinions too.
well, that's too much.i don't like being abused.
so much pressure, huh.i'm not gonna give up.
btw, everyone is busy, so stop whining like you're the only one that got a pile of work to do.(maybe, you just merely exaggerate.who knows? hahaaaa!!)
let's live our life wonderfully~
i'm envious with my brothers!!he got to talk with the japanese students from Hiroshima.oh my goodness, how i wish that i can too.
last night, i've been busy giving him some keywords to speak japanese with them.unfortunately, they don't really know English well.
the funny thing is, they called him yamapi because he was a huge fan of him.it must be nice since they have a topic to talk on.
and we plan to travel to japan someday,heheeee.kinda enthusiastic last night until i blurted out everything to him. ;)
ja ne!
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:32 PM 3 pengkritik bebas
another annoying story.can't i be sensitive?u're so dense.
all of my pictures were gone.it can't be helped.but i'm really sad because of my family pictures.why????
i can't believe this.the pictures with my friends too.now, i can't look back to the innocent face of PPISMP.lol.
okay, actually there's another meaning behind it.
family.family.family.arghhhhh.it's crazy.
and please, i hate those sarcastic remarks.you look pitiful dude.
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:00 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
as usual.
okay, what i've been doing these times?
well, being KK for merely three weeks.because, such small accident can lead to the three weeks m/c.yeay!
but, the hard thing is that i can't properly wash myself.since my left leg get cemented.it's really horrible and make me reflect upon myself. T_T
and it's really awkward to ask people to do things for you.i don't know.that's why i try to be independent as long as i can.i don't want the others to feel the burden.
luckily, there's still some of them that i can count on. to my roommates, neighbours, and of course my classmates.
k.jee, k.lela, pkah, tia, etc.. ;)
to add on, i'm on allergic right now.fighting mai!
btw, today is the first ramadhan. come to think about it, i felt really sad this year.normally, i will just, 'it's okay'. with my condition right now hearing my mom said that everyone's home except me, it's indescribable.
that's why i took the opportunities to watch the kdrama online to let myself out. right now, i'm hooked to the 'A Gentleman's Dignity'. the beginning of each episode is epic! plus jonghyun is there as one of the man's son.
4 more episodes to go~
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the forties.haha! |
ah, there's one japanese drama that i enjoyed too.SPROUT~
ceritera shirakawa detik 7:25 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
so tired nowadays.lots of things to do and the responsibilities, it's no joke!
it's really hard to lead everyone.even me, myself feel awkward and totally lost to face off groups of people.
i'm sure it's not just me.i get irritated sometimes but i can't let that control myself, aye?
for getting all the blamed, it's pretty normal. it's part of learning too,right?
without internet, i'm miserable for quite some time.well, we need to find lots of things through it.
checking all those important stuff, e-mail, assignments, etc. plus, it's one of the way to connect with the others easily.since i bought myself a new broadband, i've to use it well.if not, my mom will kill me.okay, not to that extend actually,heeeee.
hmm, i think i speak my mind a lot towards k.jee. so sorry about that. i really don't want to trouble others but it just slip out from my mouth.peace, yo!
ceritera shirakawa detik 6:54 PM 1 pengkritik bebas
finally, the exam fever is finished.
oh, actually it pretty much the same like the assignments.last minute work that embraces us till the end.
i can't say that i'm not happy, but i'm afraid.the expectation.
let's be cool about it and just go with the flow.
next sem will be harder as a kk.hmm, i'm not ready yet.and will not be ready ever.
just...try my best. >_<
you want to die? |
ceritera shirakawa detik 6:24 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
rasa nak share something.
Waktu engkau masih kanak-kanak,
kau laksana kawan sejatiku.
Dengan wudu',
Aku kau sentuh dalam keadaan suci, Aku kau pegang,
Aku engkau baca dengan suara lirih atau keras setiap hari,
Setelah selesai engkau menciumku mesra.
Sekarang engkau telah dewasa,
Nampaknya kau sudah tidak berminat lagi padaku,
Apakah Aku bahan bacaan usang yang tinggal sejarah?
Menurutmu, mungkin aku bahan bacaan yang tidak menambah pengetahuanmu,
Atau, menurutmu aku hanya untuk anak kecil yang belajar mengaji.
Sekarang, Aku tersimpan rapi sekali;
sehinnga engkau lupa di mana,
Aku sudah engkau anggap hanya pengisi stormu.
Di meja kerjamu,
Tidak ada Aku untuk kau baca sebelum kau mulai kerja,
Di komputermu pun kau putar muzik kegemaranmu,
Jarang sekali engkau putar ayat-ayatku,
E-mail rakanmu yang ada ayat-ayatku kau abaikan,
Engkau terlalu sibuk dengan urusan duniamu,
Benarlah dugaanku bahawa engkau kini sudah benar-benar hampir melupaiku.
Bila engkau di kubur sendirian menunggu kiamat tiba,
Engkau akan diperiksa oleh para malaikat suruhan-Nya,
Apakah TV, radio, hiburan atau komputer dapat menolong kamu?
Yang pasti ayat-ayat Allah s.w.t yang ada padaku menolongmu.
Itu janji Tuhanmu, Allah s.w.t.
Peganglah Aku kembali,
Bacalah Aku kembali setiap hari,
kerana ayat-ayat yang ada padaku adalah ayat-ayat suci,
Yang berasal dari Allah Azzawajalla,
Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Pemurah,
Yang disampaikan oleh Jibril melalui Rasulmu..
p/s : artikel penuh, tekan --> sini
tahun 2006 weh!
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:01 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
hey, it's been long ne?
currently, my mood swings a lot.
i want to do this.i want to do that.
i have to do this.i have to do that.
and i love eating! *imagining varieties of yummy food
what if 9gag is a troll site?brace yourself, haha! |
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:31 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
sometimes, i got this feeling of anxiety when i'm alone.
feel lost, my mind wandering everywhere.like a lost bird?
right now, my reflection was done halfway.haywire lesson plan there.
wait till my senses come back.
*run re-watching the drama.
man who laughs. |
BUT i guess i'll wait till the semester breaks. ;)
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:41 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
tahukah anda?
membaca hubungan etnik = membaca buku sejarah --> pening.
ceritera shirakawa detik 2:20 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
ceritera shirakawa detik 9:48 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
i don't understand why people got too many times too explore those little things.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:31 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
they asked me what assignment that i'm doing?
why there is philosophy and so on.
i just said that is philosophy of music and they are in awe.
it's tough right?of course! *nodding vigorously* okay, i exaggerate a bit.
one page takes me about one night?again, exaggeration. ;)
i can finished it up if i have a strong will, with pressure, and the dateline is nearer.
tomorrow will be full of nervousness.eh, it's today!
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:09 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
sakit perut weh.rasa macam over makan malam ne.
ceritera shirakawa detik 9:32 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:04 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
hey you daebak.
i want to go home too.
it's nearer but i can't forget the hurdle in between of it.
raise the volume up, yo!
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cute. ;) |
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:04 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
time to organize things.
oyea, what's with the surrounding?
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:57 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
what's wrong with using washing machine to wash the clothes..?
i don't really care but it's pretty annoying, you know?
statement 1: woo,only that much to wash?it can't even fill up half of the machine.
statement 2: hey, i wash up my clothes on my own even if they're lots of them.
conclusion: don't use washing machine lar...
it's time consuming for me, yo!
okay, i'm blabbering.
nowadays, the bed and me can't be separated.lol~
i still have the books voucher left.hmm.
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pretty much every weekend. |
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:51 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
i'm lifeless today.
one class in the morning and one class in the evening.too much gaps makes me bored.
and yes, i sleep for most of the time.
the best part is after i've soaked in my clothes, i slept.i wake up to wash up my clothes.then, i slept again.
after the music class, i slept again.oh no.
i don't know.
ceritera shirakawa detik 8:25 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
today is a bless.haha,carefree enough?
i can't get over my sleepyhead in the morning.seems like i can't adapt the environment yet.
i'm too busy with the relief class during SBE last week.every night searching for good materials to teach to the students.
BUT all I need to do is actually class control.i can't teach them properly.and they said that i'm not strict.
oh well,i'm new.so, i'm trying to be friendly with the students.heee.
i got lots of experience there and i knew that the reality is really hard to face.
i'll miss them.and i hate to be stuck with the assignments.
but, someone said that if you're going to take a degree, it's actually okay to learn it hard.the level will be high because the students are unique.well said,mai! lol-ing at my own word.
the evening session. |
ceritera shirakawa detik 1:04 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
at times like this, i want to eat some hot soup, fried chicken..all of a sudden.
oh no, my mind need rest for a while.fact all around.
there are many tidbits that need to be look up too.haiya!
hmm,nowadays i kept browsing through some on9 shop.
like seriously,there are lots of things! we just have to compare here and there to find a better piece.
handicraft made thingy are always awesome.most of them are housewives and you can expect great qualities.
why am i promoting here?
to make up to at least 8 pages are really hard.if i just get started.i know the problem.
i can't keep up to the long essay since philosophy last sem.ohho.
i wanna go home.but i hate to keep my things.this.disadvantages of the room in the bottom floor.
till then,bye.
ceritera shirakawa detik 11:07 PM 2 pengkritik bebas
blurry eyes.huhu.
from one sentence, i hop into another things again.so easily distracted.
this is quite hard,eh? when i read it over again, i think it can be easily mistaken as SPM essay.
yabai yo,kore kara wo, ganbarimasu!
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:27 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
walking and sweating like nobody business.
but it's quite fun since it's been long that i walk craving for food.
o yea,it make me forgot about all those assignments temporarily.
with full stomach,what am i going to do now?
sitting while listening to rock music is hella fun too.
mind and heart work together,please.
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:56 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
ceritera shirakawa detik 12:15 AM 0 pengkritik bebas
to tell the truth, i'm not that prepared.how?
from one vid to another.
can i become a titanium white?
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:24 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
now, i know why ethnic relation is hard.
to protect each other's sensitivity, we must think a lot.
i thought it's just tad easy.
never think whether it's easy or not, just be careful.
that's more important.
ceritera shirakawa detik 4:20 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
mai, please reflect.you have bunch of assignments to finish yet you kept taking sweet time.
ceritera shirakawa detik 2:12 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
lazy bum.
guess what? three days holidays feels like nothing.
when i want to write something here, the line is surely slow.super slow.enough said.
for now, i'm on hiatus.
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you know what i meant? |
ceritera shirakawa detik 5:03 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
time never wait for us.
surely, it's about time. within the weeks, there're lots of things happened. the same routine goes day by day.
and i've been here in Perlis since 2009!but still, it's not the same with our home, right?
i don't care much about the total-real-opinion-in-fb thingy.i believe everyone will make an assumption gradually.whether we realize it or not.people around us will know about that more than us.of course, we'll try to deny it but i don't know myself too sometimes.
my emotion is not at ease right now.no,that's not it.it's my family matters.i don't want my mom to get stressed out and fall sick.there are still people that called themselves human being despite being so ill-mannered to others.
please, the deeds that we did are nothing in front of God if we keep bragging it around and behave like we-know-it-all.
for all the physical and mental disruption that you did, i hope you'll know the consequences that you've made until now.i really really hope so.
it's complicated and now all those misunderstandings or so whatever-that-we-want-to-call-it feels like a small matter.
for the matter of fact,since when we are so assabiyah than all of the other people?we mix well but it's just that sometimes the wavelength is not there.is it wrong to be talking to the same people every day?is it?
clear my head for a while.this is really beautiful.some scenery from mjsc merbok.
taken from fb.heheee~*credit as watermark.
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lots of lab.. |
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taken from the 'tangki air' |
a/n : let's change to the good.everyone makes mistakes.
ceritera shirakawa detik 10:00 PM 0 pengkritik bebas
as time goes by, i'm thinking about the existence of this blog.why am i doing this? it must have a reason, right?
well, at first i started writing because i want to let my friends know an update from me after i went to ipg.we sort of know what each others are doing even though we don't meet each other often. our holidays overlap.
i realize that i'm into the fandom more and i want to limit it. (one of the new 'azam') heeee~
it's just a way of expressing myself to back away from reality.i don't know why.i'm not at myself.
the feeling of nil.i need a breakthrough.for now, i want to make this blog memorable to me and share things that i went through during the years.
so, i can look back upon it and reflect myself.
a/n : Mata menilai kecantikan pada rupa.
Akal menilai pada fikiran.
Hati tentulah pada akhlak dan budi.
ceritera shirakawa detik 3:19 PM 0 pengkritik bebas